Scana Skarpenord was originally established as a subsidiary of Norsk Hydro, Rjukan Fabrikker, in the late 60’s. The company has been on the market with its current product range since the middle of the 70’s, and is among the leading suppliers of hydraulic valve systems for the ship and oil & gas industry. Scana Industrier ASA took control of the company in 1989. In recent years, the company has strengthened its competitive power by continuously increasing efficiency at all stages and it now occupies a strong market position.
Scana Skarpenord develops, manufactures and supplies hydraulic and pneumatic systems for the remote control of valves in permanent oil and gas installations, and for production ships and rigs. Remote control systems are also manufactured for cargo handling, ballast, boom and coolant systems on board gas tankers, chemical tankers, oil tankers, product tankers and dry cargo ships.
One of our key products is hydraulic and pneumatic actuators, mounted directly on valves. The actuators are of our own design and are manufactured at Rjukan. The control systems for the actuators include control panels, magnetic valve centrals, hydraulic oil generators and PC/PLS-based terminals for system operation and indication.
The organisation is well equipped to deliver tailor-made solutions and customer-adapted applications with short delivery times. In recent years, the company has increased its focus on sales and service for the after market in the oil and gas industry.
DevelopmentTo meet increased demands for cost-efficient solutions, the company follows a continuous programme for upgrading and developing products and production methods. Development often takes place in collaboration with external partners with a high level of competence within the relevant specialist fields.
An increasing proportion of machining is done by fully automatic, unmanned machines. Manual installation work is continuously being made more efficient through
the introduction of improved methods and greater use of effective aids.
Scana Skarpenord has strengthened efficiency and flexibility throughout the value chain – from marketing and sales to manufacturing, logistics and delivery of the finished product. The company has adopted and implemented systems and routines adhering to the “Lean Production” philosophy.
Markets and customersThe company’s traditional customers are shipyards building offshore vessels (rigs, drill ships and FPSOs and FSOs) and large tankers and dry cargo ships. Operators, valve suppliers and maintenance companies with a focus on the offshore industry represent an increasing proportion of the company’s customer base.
The main market for new shipbuilding and floating offshore installations is currently in Korea, China, Singapore, and Brazil. The company also supplies equipment to customers in Europe, Russia and North America. Hydraulic actuators and their control systems are also supplied to valve producers and suppliers of gas handling systems for LPG and LNG ships. Rebuilds and upgrading of older offshore installations, vessels and rigs also represent an increasing share of activities.
The market in South Korea is served by the company Scana Korea Hydraulics. Scana Skarpenord supplies system solutions and key components from Norway, while sales, project engineering, assembly and testing are performed by the subsidiary in South Korea.
Global networkIn addition to the factory in South Korea, Scana Skarpenord has a sales support and service office in Shanghai. The company also actively uses the offices of the Scana group in Brazil, Singapore and Houston for marketing, sales, delivering spare parts and providing service, in addition to a network of agents, giving global coverage.